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California White Sage: Long 8”-9”

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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White sage is a sacred ceremonial plant, sun-dried, that is used in ceremony or self practice to seek blessings of health, prosperity, banish spirits, parasitic entities & low vibrational energy. This is to encourage a clean slate for new & elevated energy to be created within the space, person or object. As you are burning the sage, its smoke moves throughout the room & over surfaces, the smoke is what cleanses the energy, removing all energies (high & low) for a clean slate.

As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage now carries with it the negative energy that was once lingering in the space, back up to the Spiritual Light. This heavy energy then becomes released, so that it may regenerate into something positive. 

Tip: Keep your windows open when you sage to allow energies the permission to leave when you command them to.

*Ethically cultivated from California*

*Use of sage is a sacred practice and should be done with reverence to the indigenous communities who have had their traditions suppressed, lost, or damaged. It was once illegal for the indigenous to practice their sacred traditions and so with deep reverence we honor those who courageously held on to the traditions of this great spirit and medicine teacher. This plant provides both food and medicine for indigenous peoples*


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